
    Who Am I

    A person trying their best to do evolutionary genomics research. I want to be kind, do good, and explore the world…

    Shortcuts of this CV

    Experience Education Research
    Publications Scholarships Talks & Posters


    05/24-Present: Academic research
    • May 2024—present
    • Bruxelles, Belgium
    • Département de Biologie des Organismes—Molecular Biology & Evolution (ULB)
    Tasks and functions:
    • Finishing Ph.D. projects and articles
    • Population genomics of bdelloid rotifers
    • Fluorescence microscopy (tubulin staining and DNA FISH)
    10/19-05/24: Joint Universities PhD Thesis
    • October 2019–May 2024
    • Bruxelles, Belgium
    • Namur, Belgium
    • Genome dynamics and DNA repair in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga
    Topics, skills and data:
    • Reproductive modes, Asexuality, Genome evolution, DNA repair, Extremo-tolerance
    • Genome assembly, Variant calling, and Statistical analysis
    • NGS, TGS, HiFi, 10X, HiC
    Supervisor and Co-Supervisors:
    • Karine Van Doninck (ULB)
    • Thomas Lenormand (CEFE, Montpellier)
    • Jean-François Flot (ULB)
    02/19-06/19: Internship
    • February 2019–June 2019
    • CEFE, CNRS, Montpellier, France
    • Description of the impact of irradiation and desiccation on the genome of Adineta vaga
    Topics, skills and data:
    • Structural variants detection and statistical analysis of NGS data
    • Thomas Lenormand (CEFE, Montpellier)
    01/18-01/19: Master's thesis
    • February 2019–June 2019
    • LEGE, URBE, UNamur, Belgium
    • Genome assembly of different species of bdelloid rotifers
    Topics, skills and data:
    • NGS and TGS genome assembly
    • Karine Van Doninck (UNamur)
    02/17-06/17: Erasmus Stay
    • February 2017–June 2017
    • Umea Universitet, Sweden
    Relevant courses:
    • Functional genomics theory
    • Applied functional genomics


    My main focus area during my Ph.D. has been the dynamics of genome evolution in asexual species of bdelloid rotifers, the main model being the species Adineta vaga. I also collaborated on genomics projects in asexual brine shrimps of the genus Artemia and in field sampling and providing guidance for the genomics project of androgenetic Corbicula clams. During my Ph.D. I tried to determine how the genome content and structure are shaped by asexuality, using experimental evolution and population genomics approaches. Besides asexuality, I also investigated how bdelloid rotifers are extremo-tolerant, surviving to DNA damage and extreme-environment by observing what signatures are left in the genome after DNA damage induction. Interestingly, we described how bdelloids can use a previously unknown transgenerational DNA repair mechanism to maintain genome integrity and how this is closely linked with other features such as their asexuality and holocentric chromosomes. I also investigated several other topics linked with genome evolution, such as structural variation and programmed DNA elimination. Finally, I also helped develop and benchmark strategies for genome assembly projects in non-model organisms with high heterozygosity.


    Peer-reviewed articles
    Bioinformatics tools

    Scholarships and Awards

    Talks and Posters


    IT, Infographics, and Communications

    Operating systems
    • Ubuntu
    • Debian
    • CentOS
    • Debian
    • Windows

    Work on High Performance Computing clusters, batch queuing systems and Docker containers
    • Docker
    • Slurm

    Programming and statistical analyses
    • Shell, BaSH, ZSH
    • Python (Advanced)
    • R (Intermediate)
    • Javascript (Basics)
    • C++ (Basics)

    Web design
    • HTML
    • Joomla
    • Javascript (Basics)
    • CSS


    Sequencing data processing and quality control

    de novo genome assembly

    Contig Scaffolding

    Sequence phasing and haplotype assembly

    Reads mapping, sequence alignments, alignment file processing

    Variant calling and VCF processing

    Genome annotation and gene prediction

    Lab skills and miscellaneous

    Using common tissue extraction kits (e.g.: Qiagen Puregen tissue kit)
    Sample fixation, DAPI staining, and fluorescence microscopy
    Maintenance, feeding, and collection
    Common lab equipment handling, driving licence, and computer hardware

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